Renewable Community – May 2008

5 years ago we started trying out renewable energy in a big way, having some solar photovoltaic (PV) panels installed on our roof in Paulton. They were a big success, generating about 40% of our electricity and preventing a tonne of CO2 being emitted into the atmosphere each year. They will continue to generate the same amount of energy for 50 years with virtually no maintenance required. Since we moved to Heath House we have tried solar water tubes to heat our water and also a small wind turbine. They have also proved a big success and later this year we hope to install some more solar PV panels. Combined with our wood boiler it will mean we are effectively self sufficient in energy and will have moved a long way to reducing our carbon footprint. The wild swings in energy prices at the moment we look on with personal disinterest which is one less thing to worry about!

Last year Green Wedmore helped others to purchase solar water tubes with a bulk purchasing scheme. A number took up the offer and they earned themselves a hefty discount on the kit. We are hoping to do the same again in conjunction with the Towards a Sustainable Shapwick environmental group who gathered 23 names of interested people at their recent exhibition. Basically the more people who want to buy domestic renewable equipment the bigger the discount we can negotiate.

If you would like to be added to the list of interested people then please contact me at the address below and we’ll keep you informed of progress. Giving Green Wedmore your name will not commit you to anything other then an interest in renewable energy at a domestic and local level. Together we can help each other and the community to lead a more environmental lifestyle.

As an aside, we have learnt of some schools in Chew Magna that have had a 100%, yes 100% grant to install PV Solar Panels on their roofs. This makes a huge difference to the emissions of the school, acts as a great learning opportunity to the students as well as reducing fuel bills at zero cost to the School. If you would like more information please contact the group.

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